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Boost Schip Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics Efficiency met Emdoor 10 Inch Rugged Tablets

Boost Schip Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics Efficiency met Emdoor 10 Inch Rugged Tablets


Het traditionele onderhoudsplan van de roterende uitrusting van een schip vereist dat het schip de werking eens in de 5 jaar of in sommige gevallen vaker gedurende een maand of zelfs langer onderbreekt en uitgebreide inspectie van de ontmanteling van apparatuur uitvoert. Lange onderhoudsperioden verminderen de operationele efficiëntie van het schip. Daarom conditiebewaking met een niet-destructieve technologie zoals trillingsanalyse, die scheepsinspectie kan vereenvoudigen en het onderhoudsvenster kan verkorten, is de beste oplossing geworden om reders en scheepsbeheermaatschappijen te helpen het concurrentievermogen van de industrie te behouden.


The marine environment is humid and in several geographical locations very warm, and the air is highly corrosive due to salt. Computer equipment for non-destructive testing such as vibration analysis should withstand salt spray corrosion, water mist, and the huge temperature difference between indoors and outdoors to perform daily tasks flawlessly. Furthermore, it also has to cope with the physical shock caused by a ship moving, which cannot be achieved by ordinary computers.

Rugged Tablet for Vessels


The Emdoor EM-I10J 10-inch rugged tablet windows 10 provides the most cost-effective option for efficient ship inspection, as it has a fully rugged shell, and is salt spray tested, certified to U.S. Military-810G and IP65-rated for water and dust resistance. It’s easy to use in offshore environments where corrosive electronics exist. Another key factor in choosing the I10J tablet is that it has a high-performance Intel quad-core processor that is perfectly compatible with the HAT Analytics 2nd generation digital health monitoring system Ad|Vi|Se, guaranteeing stable diagnostics.


Compared with the traditional maintenance methods, the intelligent ship condition monitoring solution brought by the cooperation of the I10J tablet and the HAT Analytics digital health monitoring system Ad|Vi|Se provides a faster, more effective and reliable predictive ship machinery maintenance mode. Through portable data collection, instant health condition analysis and diagnostics, unplanned downtime and malfunctioning equipment issues are forewarned and repaired, preventing costly and time-consuming catastrophic failure events.

Tough Tablet and the Vessels Analytics Digital System


The normal operation of a ship depends on the availability of machinery on board, and regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that the ship is always in good condition. Traditional ship maintenance of the rotating equipment is based on regular openings onboard or in a shipyard, which requires dismantling transportation, and professional inspection. Thus, ships need to go out of business until the maintenance is completed. The workload is large and time-consuming, which increases the pressure on the shipping company. However, predictive maintenance programs can transform maintenance from reactive to proactive, preventing potential failures with early problem detection, increasing equipment lifespan and shortening maintenance windows.

HAT Analytics, a leading provider of predictive maintenance services, delivers innovative digital condition monitoring solutions that require the assistance of rugged mobile computing devices. Because operating offshore, where extreme temperatures, shock, vibration, and salty air are common, overly fragile equipment can add to the high cost of hardware replacement. What mobile computer is their best choice? To find this answer, HAT Analytics conducted an extensive search for data acquisition tablets that meet communication standards and field durability standards.


Emdoor's EM-I10J industrial tablet is an ideal choice for HAT Analytics 2nd generation of digital health monitoring system Ad|Vi|Se. As part of the overall solution, its robustness and powerful computing power allow the digital health monitoring system to stably perform real-time monitoring and diagnosis of the ship's mechanical status.

The EM-I10J industrial tablet windows, which operate in cooperation with the HAT Analytics digital health monitoring system Ad|Vi|Se, convert the collected vibration data into an easy-to-understand health report which is presented to the crew via a highly interactive user interface. With the intuitive data display, crews can get measurement results and locate the root cause of the fault faster, and maintenance can be carried out more quickly. Meanwhile, the inspection report will also be automatically generated and transmitted to the cloud server for validation and machine learning modelling through the low-latency network of the EM-I10J tablet. This increases the reliability of the health monitoring system and through the AdViSe CM Dashboard the ship's superintendent and fleet manager can securely access the information and several condition monitoring metrics of the fleet from anywhere. In the face of difficult mechanical problems, the staff can take pictures of abnormal equipment through the EM-I10J high-definition rear camera, and feed them back to the cloud to seek help from remote analysis and diagnosis by the HAT team of experienced engineers.

Condition Mornitoring on Board



De EM-I10J robuuste tablet voldoet aan alle HAT Analytics-verwachtingen voor de advertentie | Vi | Se-apparaatprestaties en duurzaamheid, waardoor technici het stabiele platform hebben dat ze nodig hebben om te inspecteren, debuggen en problemen op te lossen in verschillende situaties, waardoor ze hun onderhoudstaken kunnen voortzetten.

Bestand tegen zoutspray

Het mariene milieu met blootstelling aan zout is een enorme uitdaging voor computerapparatuur. Emdoor EM-I10JRobuuste tabletvenstersBiedt unieke anti-corrosietechnologie, het ontwerp van de verzegelde poort kan zoutsproeischade aan het systeem voorkomen tijdens het langdurige strikte zoutsproeitesproces, het verminderen van extra kosten veroorzaakt door computerstoringen en werkonderbrekingen.

Bestand tegen extreme temperatuur

De EM-I10J kan werken in een breed temperatuurbereik van-20 tot 60 graden Celsius, wat ook van cruciaal belang is voor offshore-technici. Omdat ze vaak moeten werken in extreme hitte op zee, direct zonlicht en andere barre weersomstandigheden, de I10J als hulpinstrument moet de harde werkomstandigheden met hen onder ogen zien om betrouwbare service ter plaatse te bieden.

Efficiënte gegevensverbinding

De voordelen die de EM-I10JRobuuste ramen tabletAangeboden aan de HAT Analytics 2e generatie systemen is niet alleen in zijn duurzaamheid, maar ook in zijn stabiele netwerkverbinding. De hoogwaardige netwerktransmissie van de EM-I10J versnelt de tijd die veldtechnici nodig hebben om toegang te krijgen tot diagnostische gegevens en diagnostische beslissingen op afstand te nemen, waardoor ze met een hoger niveau van veldefficiëntie kunnen werken.

Gerelateerde robuuste pc

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Emdoor Group, Mei Gu Building, Mei Sheng Hui Gu Technology Park, No.83, Dabao Road,Baoan 33 District, Shenzhen, China
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